Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing 3

Well, I can see that I could easily get carried away with RSS feeds. I had set up a few a couple of years ago, but I never did go back and read them. Now I feel more confident that I will read this information, and I can see that it will be helpful to collect information in one place rather than remembering to go out and check on numerous sites. I know several sites I monitor on an on again, off again fashion have RSS feed capabilities. This should make my life easier.

One of the problems I have with the Internet is that it could easily take over my life. My husband already says I'm addicted to my computer (although I'm usually playing Scrabulous when he says something!) I think using tools like RSS helps me feel in control of the information I need.

P.S. This Thing was easy, although I couldn't view the video. I'll try again tomorrow.

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